Sunday, October 31, 2010


Ok - pix might a bit of an overpromise - but with the slow speed of the internet connection, I could only get a few up.  These are pictures taken on Friday during "sports."  As you can see from the pictures, the kids are dressed in their exercise uniforms.  Sports actually amounts to running around in the gravel area in front of the school, playing tag or chasing a soccer ball.  On Friday, it mostly included chasing Teacher Kathryn.

The kids were super excited about the camera.  I am in most of the pictures because the kids all wanted to try their hand at photography.  To their credit, they did a pretty good job - I only ended up with a few shots of their hands.  We probably took pictures for a solid twenty minutes...they can't get enough of seeing pictures of themselves.

You may also have noticed that I placed a donate button at the top of my blog.  This is in response to the numerous thoughtful requests I have received to help send school supplies.  Unfortunately, the mail is notoriously unreliable and highly prized things like pencils and sharpeners usually get stolen en route.  I figured the easiest way for those who are interested to help would be by setting up a secure paypal account - I can use the donations to buy supplies here in Tanzania.  One of the initiatives I am working on particular is starting a library at the school.  The kids love to read - but simply don't have any books.  They read and reread their dog-eared textbooks for fun.  I think that a library would be a wonderful thing to leave behind to be enjoyed by countless children.

I thank you in advance if you choose to donate.  I will continue to update my blog with the status of the library initiative as well as the purchase of other standard supplies.  And there will be more pix!

1 comment:

  1. KW - I received Cam Tapp's solo CD all the way from Tassie (or VanDiemen's land if you ask The Edge)! Also rec'd his email and he mentioned the Rainbow Bar & Grill in Beverly Hills. Such fun w/Bourne. The new music is good and if I weren't of such high moral standing, I would burn you a copy (wink wink, nudge nudge).

    Such happy children in the pics -- you're making an enormous difference in the lives of those little ones. Keep up the good work (and your blog entries). I enjoy them immensely!

    23 days 'til Melbourne. Next year, we're doing Ireland!! Slan :D
